TRBMDC Winter Dog Walk at Hartwood Acres Park
February 15
1:00 pm
TRBMDC February Meeting and Winter Dog Walk
Brief meeting & group photo.
Hot chocolate and cookies will be served. A winter dog walk will follow in beautiful Hart Wood Acres Park.
Who: All TRBMDC Members, Friends & Family, Visiting Berner Lover & Berners are
Where: Meet at the Parking Lot of Central Elementary School located at GPS Location - 4100 Middle Road Allison Park, PA 15101 (right beside Hartwood parking lot on Middle Road.)
Please click the events button to get more information and see the flyer.
The Incline is the official newsletter of the Three Rivers Bernese Mountain Dog Club. Please click the Incline button to get linked to the issues.

The About Page gives a history of Bernese Mountain Dogs & TRBMDC.
TRBMDC invites you to become a member.
Contact Amy Lindenfelder Membership Chair at Amy.lindenfelder@gmail.com.
Please contact Karen Artuso Puppy Referral Chair at
Karen Artuso, President
Donna Millburn, Vice Pres.
Amy Lindenfelder, Secretary
Ralph Artuso, Treasurer
Board of Directors:
Cathy Barth
Bert Klei
Joye Neff
Denise Reardon
Mary Sparks

Three Rivers
Bernese Mountain Dog Club